
Featured Artist Michelle Wegler

It is my pleasure to introduce you to pastel artist Michelle Wegler. She draws her inspiration from the beautiful countryside of Minnesota in the USA where she calls home. Michelle masters pastels with an exceptionally soft technique of color combinations that capture the rich beauty around her. You must see Ms. Wegler's collection of "Fresh Snow". 
Bio: Michelle Wegler's paintings have been exhibited locally and regionally. Commissions include calendar illustrations, book covers and portraits. Her paintings have won awards and honors, and are included in private and corporate collections. Ms. Wegler has studied under national and regional pastel artists. She is affiliated with the Pastel Society of America, Lake Country Pastel Society, Grand Marais Art Colony, and Artists of Minnesota.


Informations by Artist Priit Ruttas

Introducing the wonderfully creative genius of Artist Priit Ruttas from London in the United Kingdom. I found myself studying each print, searching and discovering hidden messages that are intertwined in continuous lines of abstract webs. Speaking from a minimalist point of view, my first perception was already pleasantly simplistic. Then It took me a step further and drew me into an enjoyable exploration of meaning and purpose.